Margaret Lancaster

"New-music luminary" -Steve Smith, The New York Times

Lady M……

Saturday, December 6th, I am honored and beyond excited to premiere Lady M by my dear friend and long-time collaborator Milica Paranosic. The concert entitled Sweet Concordant Strings celebrates the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth and is part of the Composers Concordance annual festival.  Lady M, a mini-concerto/drama for flute and strings, explores the tragic trajectory of the Scottish play’s heroine.

Saturday, 12/6, 7 pm
West  Park Presbyterian Church
(165 West 86th, NE corner of 86th and amsterdam)
Composers Concordance presents Sweet Concordant Strings
CompCord String Orchestra, Thomas Bo-conductor
Soloists:  Margaret Lancaster/flute, Eleanor Taylor/soprano, Franz Hackl/trumpet
Featuring music by David Gotay, Karen Hakobyan, Otto Luening, Joseph Pehrson, Pedro Cortes, Dave Soldier, and Milica Paranosic.